Python can play well with others:
Python can integrate with COM, .NET, and CORBA objects.
For Java libraries, use Jython, an implementation of Python for the Java Virtual Machine.
For .NET, try IronPython , Microsoft's new implementation of Python for .NET, or Python for .NET.
Python is also supported for the Internet Communications Engine (ICE) and many other integration technologies.
If you find something that Python cannot do, or if you need the performance advantage of low-level code, you can write extension modules in C or C++, or wrap existing code with SWIG or Boost.Python. Wrapped modules appear to your program exactly like native Python code. That's language integration made easy. You can also go the opposite route and embed Python in your own application, providing your users with a language they'll enjoy using.
Python Success Stories
- Software Development
- Accessibility
- Assistive Technologies
- Code Generation
- Computer Graphics
- Configuration
- Cross-platform Development
- Databases
- Data Mining
- Documentation Development
- Embedded Systems
- Functional Testing
- Game Development
- Groupware
- High Availability
- Java and Python
- Legacy System Integration
- Network Development
- Product Development
- Python on Windows
- Rapid Application Development
- Real Time
- Reuse
- RSS aggregator
- Scalability
- Systems Administration
- Testing
- Unit Testing
- Unix/Linux Developers
- User Interface
- Visual Effects
- Web Development
- Web2.0
- Arts
- Business
- Apparel Industry
- Aviation
- Business Information
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Collaboration Support
- Content Management
- Document Management
- Energy Efficiency
- E-Commerce
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Fortune 500
- GIS and Mapping
- Hosting
- Human Resources
- Knowledge Management
- Manufacturing
- Pharmaceuticals
- Product Development
- Project Management
- Quality Control, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing
- Relational Online Analytical Processing (ROLAP)
- Risk Management
- ROI Case Study
- Sports
- Education
- Government
- Scientific
- Engineering
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